Lately, no matter where I go, the scene is the same.

When I turn on the television and flip through the few channels I get, when I open a newspaper or magazine, when I visit a local coffee shop, when I read blogs, and (especially) when I log onto social media sites, I encounter one person after another, all doing the same thing.

Throwing rocks.

Yes, throwing rocks. In fact, it seems to me that rock-throwing has replaced baseball as our national pastime.

Unlike rock-skipping, where the goal is to flip your wrist just so, causing the flattest rock you could find to bounce lightly across a body of water to create a series of slight ripples, rock-throwing involves the heaving of written or verbal rocks at a human target in an effort to inflict harm on that person.

Let me give you two recent examples of the human targets I’m referring to: Bruce Jenner and Josh Duggar.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain who these two individuals are or why people are throwing stones at them. I’m also sure I don’t need to clarify the nature of the verbal rocks that have been chucked at the two.

Before your indignation rises and you give in to the urge to quit reading, go elsewhere, and never return, let me explain one thing. There’s a significant difference between opposing an action and throwing a rock, and I am most definitely not defending the actions of either of these individuals.

That said, my own hand has itched a time or two these past weeks. I, too, have thought about stooping down, picking up a rock, and giving it the hold heave-ho.

And while we’re on the subject of my own behavior, let me assure you that in the past, I have been a champion rock-thrower. But 6 1/2 years ago, God jerked a knot in my tail (I love this expression of my late mother-in-law’s), bringing me down more than a peg or two and teaching me some much-needed humility.

And even though I was humbled greatly back then, my old nature still rises time and again, and I still long to pick up a rock. Sometimes, to my great regret, I do.

When I do . . . when any of us does . . . we demonstrate our arrogance, our sense of “your wrong is greater than my wrong”.

And if you want to rank wrong-doing, you might (theoretically, at least) be right.

But it doesn’t matter. Why? Because, with one exception*, all wrong — all sin — is forgivable. At least by the Person whose forgiveness really counts.

More importantly, it’s forgivable by the same Person who clearly told you and I that to judge others isn’t our job in the first place.

Simply put, we weren’t designed to be rock-throwers. We aren’t supposed to be rock-throwers.

So . . . that rock in your hand? Put it down.


*See Mark 3 and/or Matthew 12