I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5 minutes; let’s see where the word “with” takes me.

I don’t know about you, but all too often I allow my mind to scurry and scramble around, formulating a whiny list of all my “withouts”. I’m without the firm, toned upper arms I used to take for granted. I’m without minor aches and pains.  

Perhaps you know what I mean. Perhaps there have been a few “without” thoughts circling the edges of your mind. Maybe even establishing a permanent seat front and center. 

But as 2018 nears its end, I have the opportunity to focus on all my “withs”. 

So what and who have been with me these past 12 months?

I’ve been blessed by the presence of so many things.

My new home in a safer neighborhood, appliances and machinery and electronics that make my life so much easier, a more open schedule now that I’ve retired, health insurance at a great rate, good reports from the doctor after checkups and the like, an absolutely delightful retirement party thrown by my son & daughter, a working fireplace (oh, how I love it), great books — fiction and nonfiction, clarity of thought, creativity . . .

I’ve been graced by the presence — face-to-face and electronically — of so many people. 

My son and daughter, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, coworkers and student and (for the most part) their parents, supportive/encouraging/intriguing/challenging/funny Facebook friends, a fantastic handy-man, Bible Study Fellowship ladies,  some very new lady friends at the church I’ve been visiting regularly . . .

Ironically, writing this post about my “withs” is aggravating me just a bit. 

I want to write and write and write . . . my cup overflows.

What and who are with you? I hope you’ll share a few things via a comment.