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Good Times! (52 Lists Project)

From the time I was able to put pencil to paper, I’ve been a list-maker; in fact, I’ve been known to make lists of lists I need to create! So when I first heard of Moorea Seal’s 52 Lists Project, I was intrigued and rushed to check it out....

Oh, What a Character!

From the time I was able to put pencil to paper, I’ve been a list-maker; in fact, I’ve been known to make lists of lists I need to create! So when I first heard of Moorea Seal’s 52 Lists Project, I was intrigued and rushed to check it out....

Dairy and sweeteners and meat, oh my!

For the 2nd consecutive year, the church I attend is opening the New Year with a call to 21 days of prayer and fasting.Deciding to participate was easy. Deciding what type of fast to commit to was, on the other hand, more difficult. Paradoxical creature that I am, I...