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Obstacles or Opportunities?

Over the years, I’ve encountered more than a few quotes about obstacles and opportunities. Quite a few of those quotes remind us that what we see — obstacle or opportunity — depends on our mindset. And I believe that’s true to a very large degree. You may identify...


I’m going to be brutally honest with you. Our primetime years are quite often more difficult than the previous stages of our lives. Many of us are already experiencing the physical results of 55+ years of life; the wear and tear on our bodies is beginning to show....


If you know me at all, you know that I am a “less is more”, not a “more, more, more” gal. So when, a month or so ago, I first felt drawn to focusing on “more”, I was resistant. If my initial reluctance wasn’t enough, the past few weeks have been filled with even more...

What Do You Have to Lose?

Our prime time years are often a time of gain: free time for hobbies & travel, autonomy, grandchildren, etc. It can, and often is, also a time when some of us also have begun to lose or are beginning to contemplate the loss of physical health & stamina,...

A Bundle of Joy

Negativity surrounds us. Don’t believe me? Watch 10 minutes of any news program or read a few front-page articles in your favorite newspaper . . . spend a few minutes wandering around in social media . . . chat with a friend . . . and you will be inundated by tales of...