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May 2: Avoiding Run-ons

I’m participating in a challenge to blog every day in May; I was supposed to post this on May 2, but was having a tech issue, so I wrote this and saved it and am backdating it to the correct date.Technically, there are 2 types of run-on sentences — run-ons...

May 1: In How Many Words?!?

I’m writing this post in response to a write-every-day-in-May challenge to write my life story in 250 words or less. I love to talk/write, so “challenge” is definitely the right word for this. Here we go . . . I was born 50+ years ago and had a...

Kindred Spirits

I’m a law-abiding citizen and have always highly respected those who work in law enforcement in my community. Even so, for the past seven months, my appreciation for the men and women who serve in police departments across the country has grown, and with it has...

Learning New Tricks — Yikes!

Backstory: I first heard about scrapbooking back in 1995 — oh, my gosh, I just realized it’s been almost 20 years! Anyway, I loved the idea and slowly got started. “Slowly” means v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, in my case. To be fair, our house at the...

Do I Have a Group for You!

Are you a blogger? Do you have a book lurking inside you, just waiting to be written? OR have you already started (or even finished — if so, I applaud you) a book?If so, I hope you’ll check out this Facebook group, recently started by Trish McClintock...

Here’s What I Know About Ferguson

More than a few times these past 3+ months, I’ve started to comment on a topic that has headlined the news more often than not since August 9. Each time, I’ve decided not to comment.You see, for the past 4+ years, I’ve worked in Ferguson, Missouri.I...