It’s amazing how many changes I — a person who has their entire life vigorously resisted the temptation to make any kind of New Year’s resolutions* — am committing to this year. I haven’t made these commitments lightly; instead, I’ve made them in light of my desire to live more fully, more intentionally as of the New Year.
I don’t want to run out of steam or weinie out of my commitments, so I’m publishing them here for the world — or at least, my own little blogging world — to see. My hope is that forcing myself to be honest in a public forum about my progress each week will be additional incentive to accomplish what I’ve set out to do this year.
2016 Commitments
- To live more intentionally and fully (see my post from December 31, 2015)
- To complete each of the 12 monthly challenges I’ve set for myself
- To write every single day — all 366 of them (Leap Year!) — by working on my book 6 days a week and blogging every Saturday night.
- To read 52 books — 1 each week of the year Information about “52 Books in 52 Weeks”
- To chronicle my progress at the end of each week’s blog post
There you have it. My commitments to myself. For myself. I hope you’ll subscribe to my blog so you receive my weekly posts on how I’m doing in my quest to live up to these commitments. I also hope you’ll comment frequently — I love receiving your feedback, hearing your thoughts, and reading of your own experiences.
And with that, I need to turn off my trusty little MacBook Air and get started — I have a book to start and a room to sort.
* In the spirit of transparency and accountability, I must confess that while I have adamantly resisted all peer pressure to make New Year’s resolutions each January 1, I have still made my own kind of resolutions. As a student for 19 years, the mother of students for 17 years, and a teacher for most of my adult life, my “year” rotates around the school year. So while you were rushing around buying school supplies, a backpack, and new clothes for yourself or your offspring, I was setting goals for the next 9 months; while you were anticipating the end of another school year and your or your children’s freedom for the summer, I was compiling a summer to-do list of family outings, home organization (once and for all!), and personal improvement.