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Getting Physical (Week 1)

Once upon a time there was a girl who was physically fit, who played hours of tennis or softball or touch football with wild abandon without stopping to bend over, hands on knees, gasping for air. This young woman paid nary a thought to cellulite, thunder thighs, and...

Post-Vent Update

If you read my blog this time last week, you know I let loose with a mighty vent about some of the less-than-great things going on in my life. I’ve been asked (both via a couple of comments and a few emails) if venting helped and how things are going now.First,...

Beatin’ the Blues

I did something yesterday that I typically try very hard not to do — I vented to other people. In the past, my journal was my sounding board when I was feeling blue, but now that I’ve put away (at least for awhile) my journal, I vented here instead. It...

Warning: Vent Ahead

I’m sitting here, fingers poised above the keyboard, trying to figure out how to begin, even wondering if I should begin at all. You see, I’m having one of those days — more like one of those weeks and maybe even months — when things are not...