I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited (so excuse all errors) flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5 minutes; let’s see where the word “more” takes me.
I was perplexed when, as a college undergraduate English major, one of my writing professors wrote “Less is MORE” on the chalkboard one morning.
Fifty minutes and copious notes later, I thought I knew what my professor was trying to say.
But it wasn’t until twenty or so years later, that I realized that the “less is more” philosophy is one that fits me like the proverbial glove.
I’m a minimalist, you see. Oh, I love to have special things around me as part of my decor. A framed engagement photo of my daughter and her now-husband and the dried rose they gave me after they were pronounced man and wife just a few weeks ago, for example, or the various items my son and daughter made or purchased and gave me over the years.
But I don’t like clutter. Not physical clutter, emotional clutter, or even spiritual clutter. I embrace open space, nearly-empty kitchen countertops, a car devoid of “stuff”.
And for more than a few years, my to-do lists and goals centered around getting rid of things, of having less. I’m often teased because of my minimalistic mindset, and I’ve even been asked what I have against “stuff”.
For a long time I couldn’t explain it, but about five years ago I realized that I want to free my life from physical clutter to have more time and space for the things that mean the most to me. I created a list, and I’ve moved it to the front of every bullet journal I’ve kept since then.
My “more” list says:
I Long for More . . .
a more intimate and authentic relationship with God more time with St and J (my son and daughter)
more simplicity — environmental,
possessions, including wardrobe
more creativity in my daily life
more friendships — true friendships
more experiences — travel, events
🙂 more financial cushion
Less . . . to make room for more.
What do you want more of in your life? Join in the conversation by sharing your thoughts via a comment.