by Patti Miinch | Jan 17, 2020 | blueprint, family and friends and coworkers, life redesign, Patti Miinch, skepticism, support
I received an email two days ago from a gentleman I’ll call Fred. With his permission, I’ll share a bit of his story.Fred’s marriage ended almost a year ago, and he was spending most evenings and every weekend eating meals and dozing in front of the TV. His daughter...
by Patti Miinch | Jan 1, 2020 | blueprint, brainstorm, change, Creating a Life Redesign Blueprint, dream, goals, ideal life, life redesign, New Year, Patti Miinch, plans
Is your life what you envisioned 20, 10, or just 5 years ago? If not, you aren’t alone. Studies indicate that many, if not most, people are living a life unlike what they had planned. Sadly, many of those people are frustrated and unhappy. You may be one of...
by Patti Miinch | Jan 2, 2019 | blueprint, calendar, checkbook, Creating the Blueprint, life redesign, Patti Miinch, planner, priorities, redesigning, social media, values,
In 2006, my husband and I decided to build our forever home on acreage in the rural county in which he grew up. We bought house-plan magazines, checked out house-plan books from the library, and for weeks and weeks pored over various plans, trying to find the perfect...