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Oops! (Dream Save Do, week 10)

Picture this scene:A sunny July afternoon in the parking lot of the small (but very nice . . . and free) Alamogordo, NM city zoo. The loving, thoughtful mother starts the car and lets the air conditioner run in an effort to cool the interior before placing her...

Home, Cozy Home (Dream Save Do, week 9)

IF I believed in reincarnation, I would have to consider the possibility that I was, in a past life, a turtle. Back in my sports-playing days, I was agile, had great aim (in the 3 years I was the starting pitcher for a girls’-league fast pitch softball team, I...

Progress (Dream Save Do, week 7)

Now that I have a fairly specific goal as to where I want to go from here, I’ve been spending my free time taking care of various details that will get me there by setting mini-goals.Goal: 7 items donated/sold/discarded every weekFirst, I’ve begun...