by Patti Miinch | Jul 13, 2021 | despair, dreaming, dreams, hope, life, standing in a corner adult style
In the past month or so, two acquaintances and one friend have shared with me that they haven’t dared to dream — to look beyond getting through their current situation — for several years.Each time I was told this, my reaction was the same: I nodded in understanding...
by Patti Miinch | Nov 19, 2020 | accountability, bicycling, dreams, goals, kedging, life, live, Patti Miinch, plan, prime time living, retirement, tricks to treat yourself
Ahhhh . . . retirement. A time of doing as much of the things we want to do and as little or none of what we don’t want to do.That’s what I thought life beginning the first day my own retirement. I had made a list of things I wanted to do more of or add to my life,...
by Patti Miinch | May 30, 2018 | journey, life, vacation
I’ve always loved road trips. As a child, I looked forward to our family’s annual vacation as much for the long car ride that would take us to our destination as I did the destination itself.In the weeks and months leading up to the trip, I would envision...