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Getting Physical (Week 1)

Once upon a time there was a girl who was physically fit, who played hours of tennis or softball or touch football with wild abandon without stopping to bend over, hands on knees, gasping for air. This young woman paid nary a thought to cellulite, thunder thighs, and...

Taking Stock Financially

Finances can be a difficult topic to address; not only are money-related matters very personal, they are also amazingly complex. And although money is, of course, quite neutral (after all, it’s just metal and paper), a discussion of how much we have and what we...

A Long & Winding Road

About 6 1/2 years ago, I made a wise decision. Had I kept acting wisely, the story would have ended very differently. In a nutshell, I made a wise decision, followed by a couple of stupid, really bad decisions based on fear. The end result was that I resigned from a...

Personal Safety (part 2)

Personal safety options are varied; opinions on personal safety options are even more wide-ranging. My opinions are purely that — my personal opinions based on my own experience, knowledge, and situation. I realize many will disagree with what I write today and...

Personal Safety (part 1)

Even though my husband worked shifts and was gone overnight many nights throughout our almost-25-year marriage, I was never actually worried or fearful of my or the children’s safety. We lived in average, middle-class neighborhoods where, I know, crime can and...


I’m currently sitting in my car dealer/mechanic’s waiting room, waiting (what else?) on a mechanic to finish changing my car’s oil and to replace worn wiper blades and a burned-out tail light. The total cost hovers around $115, which isn’t bad considering the cost of...