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Post-Vent Update

If you read my blog this time last week, you know I let loose with a mighty vent about some of the less-than-great things going on in my life. I’ve been asked (both via a couple of comments and a few emails) if venting helped and how things are going now.First,...

Warning: Vent Ahead

I’m sitting here, fingers poised above the keyboard, trying to figure out how to begin, even wondering if I should begin at all. You see, I’m having one of those days — more like one of those weeks and maybe even months — when things are not...

Mementos and Memories

Last week I met with a realtor and put my house on the market. To say the least, my timing could be better. First of all, winter will be here sooner than I like (if I had my way, it would never arrive), and popular opinion is that homes don’t sell well at this...