by Patti Miinch | Jul 23, 2019 | Beautiful Warrior, bitterness, Book Review, identity, insecurity, loneliness, self-assessment, self-identity
In a nutshell, Beautiful Warrior — Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You by Tina Yeager is a phenomenal book!I was at first put off by the subtitle (Finding Victory Over the Lies Formed Against You). I don’t think of myself as a person about...
by Patti Miinch | Jun 28, 2019 | Five Minute Friday, grandmother, What in the World, world
I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited (so excuse all errors) flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5...
by Patti Miinch | Jun 21, 2019 | Carl Sagan, dumb question, Five Minute Friday, question
I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited (so excuse all errors) flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5...
by Patti Miinch | Jun 18, 2019 | die, life redesign, multivitamin, Patti Miinch, pill, What Doesn't Kill Me
Well, here goes. I hope I survive! That’s the thought that has flashed through my brain more than a few mornings since that fateful day back in December.That day, like every day for nearly 10 years, I opened the small plastic bottles and took out a...
by Patti Miinch | Jun 14, 2019 | bullet journal, exclamation mark, Five Minute Friday, goals, Patti Miinch
I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited (so excuse all errors) flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5...
by Patti Miinch | Jun 11, 2019 | authentic life, authenticity, fraud, redesigned life, True Confessions
I’m a fraud.I have been much of my life.There. I’ve confessed it.I didn’t become a fraud on purpose. Truth be told, the role of fraud, of what Webster defines as “one that is not what it seems or is represented to be”, snuck up on...
by Patti Miinch | May 30, 2019 | amazed, amazing, announcement, news, Patti Miinch, Sometimes I'm Amazed
Sometimes I amaze myself. More often, life amazes me!This is the view of one of my two spare bedrooms yesterday morning. It’s a mess, of course. Until a few months ago, all of this stuff — yarn, craft supplies, photos and memorabilia, etc — was...
by Patti Miinch | May 28, 2019 | academic honesty, blogging, cake, citation, criminal, file, hypocrite, images
I’m a criminal.Not just the type that zips down the highway more than the excusable 5 mph over the posted speed limit.I’m also a hypocrite. I’m a stickler for academic honesty, for giving credit where it’s due, and for the past umpteen...
by Patti Miinch | May 4, 2019 | difficulty, opportunities, opportunity, Patti Miinch, trial
I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women who connect each Friday in an online, unedited (so excuse all errors) flash mob free-write based on a one-word prompt from our fearless leader Kate Motaung. My timer is set for 5...
by Patti Miinch | Apr 30, 2019 | Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference, expert, Hitting Submit, novel, Patti Miinch, practicum, procrastinate, procrastination, writing, writing sample
First, I procrastinated.I didn’t just procrastinate. I procrastinated in a manner worthy of a gold medal, were procrastination an Olympic event.I did laundry and cleaned the house. I called friends and asked if they needed help with anything. I began not one,...