by fistbumpmedia | Sep 2, 2016 | Five Minute Friday, Lifestyle, Odds amp; Ends
I’m very excited to again this week join a talented group of women bloggers in an online, unedited flash mob free write. Week after week, these women produce insightful and inspiring posts based on a word-prompt given to us by our fearless leader Kate Motaung...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 30, 2016 | bridge, fear, leap, Lifestyle, trust
I wish I had a dollar for every time the sentiment that fear is the greatest obstacle to change or to living the life you want has popped up in a book I’m reading or in a meme on Facebook or has been uttered in a conference workshop or keynote address.I’m...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 25, 2016 | brides, civility, guests, hostess, mothers-to-be, showers
When I got married just over 30 years ago, two individuals offered to throw a shower. I appreciated their thoughtfulness, provided the asked-for guest list for one of them, and only asked that the hostess not go to too much trouble or expense. The same thing happened...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 23, 2016 | board book, Book Review, bright, cheerful, Happy Birthday, toddler
What a joy it is to review Happy Birthday to You! — written by Michelle Medlock Adams and illustrated by Sandra Rodriquez — on this particular date. You see, today is my son’s 30th birthday!”Happy Birthday to You” is a delightful book and...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 16, 2016 | depression, spiritual
Quite simply, Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey through Depression is a God-send for anyone who struggles with depression and for the loved ones of those battling the illness.A quick topical search here on Amazon shows that almost 49,000...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 16, 2016 | Uncategorized
Has a snippet of a song ever run through your head off and on all day, leaving you totally unable to remember the rest of the song or the title?That’s been the case with me for the past 13 hours. I knew what I wanted to write about this evening, and I thought I...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 12, 2016 | debating, Five Minute Friday, politics, wrinkles, writing
I’m very excited to again this week to join a talented group of women bloggers in an online, unedited flash mob free write. Week after week, these women produce insightful and inspiring posts based on a word-prompt given to us by our fearless leader Kate Motaung...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
Salem Grimes is a dog groomer, recovering alcoholic, and new Christian who, of course, lives in a trailer park. She is also the most refreshing protagonist in cozy mysteries!In The Trailer Park Princess and the Middle Finger of Fate, the first of the (so far)...
by fistbumpmedia | Aug 9, 2016 | Olympics, sleep, stress, television, TV
Nine weeks. It has been nine weeks since I moved into my (to me) new home and decided not to subscribe to a cable- or dish-provided television service.I’d had subscription service through the same company for over 18 years and, other than having to pay for a...
by fistbumpmedia | Jul 26, 2016 | editing, errors, grammar, mechanics, proofreading, revising, rules
I spend an inordinate amount of time every week reading and responding to the writing of other people. I read blog posts and comment; additionally, I read more than a couple of books (primarily e-books) and post reviews.As I read these published texts, I am often...