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What an Adventure!

I had the pleasure over the past 8 weeks of participating in my first-ever Missouri Quilt Shop Hop. My quilter-extraordinaire friend Sandy and I visited 47 shops (of the 100 participating) and completed 4 of the 8 “hop” regions in my wonderful home state. Sandy is,...

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Tossing out the Rule Book

I’ve always been a list-making, task-checking-offer, just-give-me-the-steps-to-follow type of person. I want to know what is required of me so I can complete the steps or follow the rules and be successful at the endeavor at hand. When it comes to most things —...

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Better With Age

“What becomes better as a person ages?” That was the question posed by a morning disc jockey whose program I had just tuned into during my recent drive from my home in Missouri to Colorado Springs. More than a few listeners hoping to win a prize package called in...

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Chapter 1

I’m conflicted. On one hand, I’m excited to share this and want the accountability. On the other, to put it into words for others to read causes me to feel . . . vulnerable. But here it is: I’ve started writing a book. Wait. That’s not exactly true. I’ve started...

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Travel . . . and Thoughts

I recently embarked on a 17-day trip to Colorado and Minnesota. On the 13 1/2 hour drive to CO Springs, the 13 hour drive to Prior Lake, and the 9 hour drive back to Missouri, I had plenty of time to think about why I embrace travel. For me, travel offers glimpses...

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Rosa Parks . . . Corrie ten Boom . . . Martin Luther . . . Ida B Wells . . . Mahatma Gandhi . . . Nelson Mandela . . . Dietrich Bonhoeffer . . . These individuals — and others — have been on my mind as I’ve read news reports about the recent actions of several...

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For some reason, this post went live and then disappeared, so I’m trying to post it again. The concept of reconciliation is one I’ve pondered quite often at least the past seven months. On one hand, I’ve spent considerable time thinking about how to restore a...

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Any Questions?

I wish I had a dollar for every time in my adult live I’ve asked, “Any questions?” As a teacher, there were probably only a few days a year that I didn’t ask, at least one time every class period, if anyone had any questions. I’ve also said it to my own children...

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The first few months are typically a somewhat “slow” time for me. The busy holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) is past, and earlier nightfalls and cold temperatures bring quiet evenings spent relaxing and preparing for the busy-ness of Spring and Summer....

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Obstacles or Opportunities?

Over the years, I’ve encountered more than a few quotes about obstacles and opportunities. Quite a few of those quotes remind us that what we see — obstacle or opportunity — depends on our mindset. And I believe that’s true to a very large degree. You may identify...

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