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Watching From Afar

Maybe you’ve been there . . . life imploded, struggling emotionally and physically. You prayed and searched Scripture. Alone and in despair, you swallowed your pride and reached out to friends and even acquaintances. You didn’t expect any of them to fix everything,...

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Perspective is Key

Perspective . . . vantage point . . . call it what you will, but the lens through which you see yourself is key. Over and again, studies indicate that the vast majority of people view (i.e. assess) themselves through the lens of two things. The first, and most...

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Freedom — but Why?

We Americans are known for our fierce commitment to and love for freedom, both as collectively as a nation and as individuals. In truth, I believe that all people long for freedom. Physical freedom, yes, but also — and even more importantly —  spiritual and...

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Forgiveness — Lessons Learned

Nearly a year ago, the issue of forgiveness arose full force in my life. I chose to privately extend forgiveness to 3 women who had repeatedly intentionally hurt me, and I sincerely sought forgiveness from a loved one who I had hurt deeply. As I dealt with...

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Lasting Change, step 1

While we may not want to face it, the simple truth is that yesterday’s choices — of other people to a very small degree perhaps, but overwhelmingly our own — have led us to be what we are and where we are today. Consequently, it’s really very simple. If you are...

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On Purpose . . . at Last!

When I first began blogging years ago, I did so for one  3-pronged reason. I had always loved to write and to write not just for myself but for others. Intertwined with those loves was my life-goal of having at least one book published. Every published writer,...

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On Purpose

“I’m struggling.” The text I received from a dear friend a few weeks ago repeated two words I hear quite often when speaking to primetimer friends. And while there are many reasons people “struggle” — health issues, financial woes, strained relationships, etc —...

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Eclipse-mania has been especially high in my hometown for the past week or so. The climax came when people not only from all over the country, but all over the world, visited my small town of about 39,000 to enjoy 4 minutes of 100% totality. My hostess, other...

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The More Things Change . . .

4 1/2 months. It’s been that long since I’ve even logged in here. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around that fact, but it’s true. Long story short, within 3 days of the post I wrote 4 1/2 months ago, my life was turned upside down yet again. Since then, I’ve...

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Help! (with apologies to The Beatles)

     I need somebody     (Help) not just anybody     (Help) you know I need someone, help I typically do not like to ask for help. I don’t want to be a bother or impose on anyone. But I do need your help. It’s a slightly complicated situation, as situations tend to...

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