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An Archbishop and Oh, What a Choir!

I’ve been in Canterbury for just over a week now — eight busy, and sometimes bewildering, days. It’s impossible (for me, at least) to share everything I’d like to say about the past four or five of those days in one blog entry, so I’ll...

We’re Here!

The past week has certainly been an interesting one! After a 2-day delay (due to the foot of snow we received or issues with the airport in Chicago, I’m not sure); “my” students and I finally departed St. Louis for our 3-month stay in Canterbury...

With Apologies to Tolstoy

What is it Tolstoy said about unhappy families? “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Perhaps Tolstoy is right — I don’t know. But the exact opposite is true about the books — both fiction and...

On the Road Again!

Vacations are, for many people, a wonderful, much-anticipated event. Travel to new and interesting places or to family favorites as well as being off work and away from the normal routine can be relaxing and rejuvenating. That may not be the case, though, for those...